I am reminding you through this letter that you have not been submitting the school fee for your child for the last two months. According to our fee clerk, a sum of US$1000 must be paid by you in lieu of the school tuition fee. We are reminding you for the second time, but no response is being shown from your side. Now, the deadline for depositing the fee has been fixed as [date] and you are requested to clear the outstanding fee dues without waiting for the last date.
Dear parents, the smooth functioning of any school is directly related to a uniform supply of finance. In contrast to other private schools, we charge a very low amount from parents’ in lieu of a monthly fee.
We are determined to provide high-quality education to our children. For this purpose, we have hired a motivated team of highly qualified teachers who are determined to inculcate the young minds of children with modern and updated knowledge. If you do not pay a monthly fee on time, we may face difficulty while meeting our expenses. In turn, they would not be able to fully concentrate on their duties.
We showed our cooperation during the hard days of the pandemic when the whole community was pinched by the greatest economic crunch. Considering your problems, we did not charge the full fee. Now it’s your turn to corporate with us. We need your cooperation to ensure the smooth functioning of our school.
It will be convenient for you to clear all school dues including fees before the deadline. If you fail to comply with our directions, we shall be compelled to take hard steps. In that case, your child may not be allowed to attend the classes and avail of the transport facility. In addition, annual exams are just around the corner and only those students who clear their dues before time will be allowed to sit in the exam.
The annual parent-teacher meeting has been scheduled on [date]. Your child will be issued admit card for the exam on the production of the deposited fee receipt during the meeting.
Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.
(Sample -2)
Subject: school fee payment delayed
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all doing well. All the parents who have not deposited the project fee of their children are hereby informed through this letter that they need to clear all the pending dues before [date], which has been announced as the deadline for fee submission.
The principal is pleased to allow this extension keeping in view the current prevailing situation in the country. As you know, the final exam is expected next month. You are informed that only those children, who pay their fees on time, will be allowed to sit in the exam.
Furthermore, every class teacher has assigned projects to its class. Marks of this project will be added to the final exam. These marks will play important role in determining your child’s position in the class. Children will complete their respective projects in their classes, and we need to buy material for projects as soon as possible.
The amount required for making the project has also been included in the fee challan. All parents are requested to assure timely payment of remaining school dues with project fees so that everything gets completed on time. We need your cooperation in this regard.
We need heavy finance to run our school affairs in a smooth way. Monthly fee collection is the major source of our finance because we do not get funding from the government or any NGO. If you make unwanted delays in paying your child’s monthly fee, it will cause hurdles in the smooth functioning of the school.
We do not compromise on the quality of education and our competitive teachers strive hard to keep the children abreast of modern and updated knowledge. We are also committed to providing amenities to all children, including transport facilities, scientific exhibitions, and many more. All such facilities are covered by school fees.
We are expecting a positive response from your side.
School management